Pas de Cheval                                                             

My Ballet Photo Album

I wondered what to put in my photo album but I think it would be best to show you all my Exams and Medals.

The day of my Primary exam sitting with crossed legs, and my birthday. Age 7.


Primary medals, the Swiss, age 7.

Primary Medals, The sea dance. 01/10/07

Firn (the tallest one) and I at Tannie Vida's house for exams, Firn doing grade three and me doing grade two. Age 9


Back from the exam, feeding Opal the smallist calf.

Grade 2 Medals, The birthday present. Age 9


Grade 3 Medals, Little Miss Muffet, Age 10.


Grade 3 Medals, Dad sewing my ribbons for little Miss Muffet.

Grade 1 Medals, Sugar Pie.


Firn, Grade 5 Medals, Silver one, age 12. 


First day of Ballet, in my Major cloths.




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